The scintillating power of magic resides within story telling, singing, dance, music . . . and fire
Around 10.000 BC, nomadic hunter-gatherer groups begin to decline, whilst agrarian communities establish their pre-eminence. The time scale, includes various groups over a period of millennia, is known as Neolithic, New Stone Age.
Neolithic communities introduce beliefs & technologies, harmonising, whilst also harnessing Nature.
Land becomes a means of production for crop growing and rearing animals, through selective breeding, to provide food, wool and other materials. Utilitarian crafts like pottery, weaving, wood and stone work, flourish, and often include ornamental abstract patterns, bridging form and function. Astronomy and mathematics are widely used.
Neolithic monumental stoneworks, denote a symbolic human sense of belonging and transcendence, even though their meaning escape us, we remain in awe.